What is Kokar?

Kokar's Meaning

Kokar is an old Kurdish word that has two parts (Ko = Co) (Kar = Work) which means working together or collaborative work.

Kokar's Vision

Our vision is building engaged communities through transmitted volunteering initiatives, sustainable solutions, community awareness, collaborative planning, law enforcement, policy advocacy, and consultation with the local government.

Kokar's Mission

Kokar Foundation for sustainable development and Volunteerism is an independent and diverse NGO in Iraq. It was founded in Kirkuk on June 16th, 2016 by passionate individuals who believe in civil society activities to promote peace and local communities' solutions. Kokar believes in the power of community initiatives. We work on the sustainable development goals of the United Nations. By collaborating with local community leaders, stakeholders in government institutions, we help our community to take its role in solving its issues, share ideas, take action to engage people with various backgrounds in issues that matter to the local communities. Since its establishment, Kokar has successfully conducted more than 300 activities that engaged more than 10,000 volunteers and community members.



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